“Afternoon, sojourners. Strawberry Coors? It’s something I invented. I take a regular Coors and I drink it through a Twizzler, you see?”
“Quick! Take a picture before I blow out my rectum. Ahh too late!” Wins “Q” - Now for “R!” (Runners-up below)
In a recent interview Kurt Cobain said this scene was the inspiration for the Nevermind album art
What’ve you done now Stan?
“Pretty sure I asked for Pecan Sandies…” wins for “P” after a close race! Next is “Q” (Runners-up below)
“Oh, I don’t know, I guess I think about killing myself pretty frequently…” wins “O!” - Next is “P!” (Runners-up below)
Get. up. IN. THERE.
“Nathan! Stop it. This is why you keep getting molested.” Wins “N” - next is “O!”
“I hate you. I say that, not out of anger, but simply as a fact. It’s 67 degrees outside and I hate you.” Wins “I” - next up is “J!” (Runners-up below)
My personal favorite/most quoted AD saying wins for “M!”….. “Maybe baby.” Next is “N!” (Runners-up and honorable mentions below)
“Lávate las manos!” Wins “L” - next is “M!” (Runners-up below)
“Klaus wrote the lyrics.” Wins for “K” - now “L!”
“JENNAYY” claims “J” - next is “K!” (Runners-up below)
“Huge heroin fan. Don’t use it, just like being around it. Study it. Appreciate it. Use it sometimes.” wins for “H” - next up is “I!” (Runners-up below)
Our favorite boy band won - “Girl, you need a shot of B12, you know you do!” - next is “H” (runners-up below)
Is it okay to leave a giant box of broken down boxes next to my recycling?
And the winner by a long shot “Francine, I haven’t been entirely truthful with you…” - Next is “G” (runners-up below)
“End of days BITCHES!!” Wins for “E” - Next is “F” (runners-up below)
What’s the greatest sitcom performances of all time?
It was tough between two favorites but “Danuta” wins for D! Next up is “E” (runners-up below)
“Chee-tah. Chee-tos… there is so much beauty in the world!” Won for “C” - “D” is next! (Runners-up below)
“Bye! Have a beautiful time!” Won yesterday, now “C” (runners up in post)
favorite joe moment ?
“A is for Apple” Day 2 - “B”
Publix Carolina Reaper Cheese 100/10