Can fall cause black eye like this?
Can my US friend give me his acc when im EU?
Any idea how to turn of voice isolation on voice messages?
Where do i get some info abt Alex G?😭😭😭
Can someone give me dragon hunters great katana ps5
Build request, $750 mainly gaming and 3D
Can i somehow increase speed of freecam with controller?
Is there any purchasable replacement for raw meat dumpling to get my self poisoned?
What do people do in NG+1?
If you could add one item from another game what would it be?
Is there any theory abt the dead maiden at the start of the game?
How do i get into the game?😓
Name more annoying enemy in the game.
How can I defeat him?
this wasnt funny game :(
Doing ur own build is very fun
Remember kids play games for fun not trophies, the pain aint worth it
Armor you higly fw with?
How did this happen?💀
Born to be a cutie forced to farm souls😔
How many people had the same idea with the sun tatoo?💀
Sameone can help me with oceiros im stuck pls
Whats the hardest boss you fought so far?
Enemies in DLC are so strong💀💀💀
I killed my wifey😔