What do you guys think and do you agree?
On a scale from 1 to 10, how cute is Kid Goku?
I don't get it
Which one?
Instead of the samurai, if all the Straw Hats except Luffy had come to defeat Ryokugyu, who would have won?
Geeenbull vs zoro and Sanji
How do Gorosei and Holy Knights have powerful haki without ever fighting anyone?
How highly do you rate Shamrock? If someone truly believes he’s on Shanks’ level, could you explain why you think so?
Genuine Question - What’s stopping Squard from treating every admiral, yonko, pirate king, and legend like this?
They've moved on from sparking zero
Does anyone care about wt anymore if yes how tall going so far?
Now I’m not gonna say Garp is faster than Kizaru BUT….
Genuine question what’s stopping Kaido from treating each admiral like this?
Reminder that bb title in his crew is admiral , it's clear that the end game is all about the admirals ( bb included )
There’s not a single admiral feat better than this btw
How are you reacting if Akainu runs this gauntlet before the end of the series?
Reminder that Shanks used ACOC to block a casual Akainu punch
The game in steam is literally unplayable and im crying
Between Brulee, Jozu and Blackbeard, who's the natural enemy of Kizaru?
Based on your headcanon, the strongest character of all time at the EOS (whether that be EOS Luffy, Imu, or someone else) vs the OG 3 admirals, who wins at what diff?
Who do you think will be Dragon's likely opponent?
The Gorosei slander only exists because most of this sub thinks that any Strawhat other than Luffy is utter trash fodder.
Shiki vs Oden
Can Katakuri win this?
Who wins?