Top 5 gooner characters
They should add the Midas Flopper back for this season.
What is your dream collab? I wish for a Shrek season with a whole swamp as a map, dragon glider, new gingerbread man skin, donkey, and so on, so much potential for BattlePass and easter eggs/nods to other characters
Gold Splashes have a weird thing happening to me as of recently.
Was there ever an emperor who was a psychopath or showed any similar traits?
Battling with these porn addicts is exhausting
Byzantium in 1340, looking eerily similar to modern Greece
What's your favorite drop spot and why?
Why are these kinds of channels allowed to wander around for as long as they're able to?
Romanos IV Diogenes needs to be blamed a lot more for the Mantzikert debacle
Which of these two seems to be more historically accurate to you about Battle of Antioch on the Meander 1211 (Theodore I Laskaris of Empire of Nicaea)
What would you do in this situation?
Oh Constantine V...why did he have to push so hard for iconoclasm?
Anyone else misses ch5s3 cause of the choas?
1204 was a wild ride
What’s you’re nickname, if you have one
i freaking hate telling people my ethnicity
Wut song r u listening to right now ? If ur not listening to a song then wat did u last listen to ??
What is that one song you listened to on repeat when you were in the darkest time of your life?
Guys hear me out...
Why does facial hair grow so fucking fast this is not cool 😡
Hunting Rifle has been turned in to the absolute worst gun in rotation 😔
A real party bomber he was
The Katana is making this season so unenjoyable for me.
This one is for all those who hate this skin