When a Streamer is clear about what Ashes is working on and what their intention is to improve the MMORPG genre.
The Fellowship of AoC
Trusting in the process of the journey because of the people who surround you and support you, even if the double-edged sword weighs, is what defines the attitude of Ashes development.
PexArg | Locos X el Asado abre su primer restaurante internacional en Perú
Average conversation when a guild crosses 0.1% of the Enveus/NovaOrdem/POLAR/TheFederatiom guild territory
never surrender
For “that future” that will make everyone enjoy Ashes at its launch. We shall never surrender!
for a better future
Not bad for an indie game studio 😎
A true MMORPG will ALWAYS tend to be social to a greater or lesser extent but will always seek sociability
social vs solo
All effort is pointless if you don't believe in yourself
First time
Y ustedes? Qué dicen?
Why do so many of you act like you're in an abusive relationship?
Cómo están las provincias rebeldes?😎 PERÚ ES CLAVE
The Not-Gayest and Somehow Gayest MMO Ever
i hope its not too big
When a new tester dies due to a bug, glitch, unbalance or being ganked.
Keeping your word is what will always generate trust, now do you realize why Intrepid is banning players in the Alpha? ENFORCE RULES to ensure that Ashes is a place free of cheaters, exploit abusers or gold buyers/sellers.
My Honest Review of Ashes of Creation After 1000 Hours
All Ashes testing guilds after that day : Steven is among us, he is the Rogue One.
rogue one
Ashes developers' opinions on the criticism and feedback from Ashes testers and followers