Zmodeller Vertex selection issue
Blood Angels Demi Company
Blood Angels infantry
Where and how do i manually calculate gunnery and piloting skill levels in BT Classic?
Legio Osedax wip
Blood Angels Redemptor Dreadnought
Blood Angels colour test
Eridani Light Horse Warhammer
Jade Falcon Turkina Keshik Timber Wolf
Looking for criticism!
Blood Angels Storm Speeder
WIP custom merc unit paint test
Assault Intercessor squad finished
Hey guys, I’m pretty new to the hobby, so can anyone give me some advice on how I did and what I could do better? Any feedback is welcome!
Work pulled me away for a couple of weeks but I finally got around to finishing my first full squad, some Plasma Inceptors
Lyran Guard Atlas
Land Speeder WIP
Assault Intercessors WIP
Lyran Atlas WIP
Painting Mephiston
Blood Angel Intercessor
Blood Angels land speeder painting WIP
Blood Angels Assault Intercessors painting WIP
Lyran scout mech painting WIP