I think I am a golden sella basmati rice fan now
Been cooking more than T-babs lately
No be ewagoin be this?
Ghana Heritage Month
Am I the only one that doesn’t like the sweet taste in semo?
What is the most unintelligent lie a partner has ever told you in a relationship?
If modern medicine didn’t exist would you be dead right now? If yes, from what?
What is the Cra*ziest thing a visitor have done in ur house?
What perfume smells amazing and actually lasts a full day?
Amala and Milk for dinner
What's the weirdest animal behavior you've ever heard of?
Fried rice. Had this for lunch and dinner on Sunday 🥺
Which animal would be the rudest if it could talk?
Sogni AI Raises $2M in Funding to Build an AI Decentralized GPU Network
What special power would you want to have for just one day?
What's the best insult you've ever heard that doesn't use curse words?
Between body Odour, mouth Odour and snoring, which one can you manage for the sake of love?
Did you confess your crush in high school, and what was the outcome?
why is everything 10x better at night like driving, reading and vibing to music?
why is everything 10x better at night? driving, showering, eating, vibing to music, watching netflix, phone calls?
why is everything 10x better at night? driving, showering, eating, vibing to music, watching netflix, phone calls like EVERYTHIIIIING?
What's the best insult you've ever heard that doesn't use curse words? Me: “Wisdom is chasing you but you’re faster!?
Tried This Mouthwatering Yam and Egg for Sahur—10/10!
Weight-loss focused meals
What is your fetish?
If you got $1,000 every time you successfully annoyed someone, what would be your strategy?