Am I actually burning this 4000 calories?
Should I prestige?
Diamond enlightenment help
[IIWEY N5] Had a close call today.
/r/PTCGP Trading Post
I think I'm starting the party too early. Enlightenment
New Guide Battle for Tool Cards
I didn't realize these could drop from 2 star exhenliners
For those who completed the 5 win streak.
Dubcap trends
Gotta start the grind again.
Remember guys, you aren't allowed to practice your character!
feels like something is missing...
Won my 5 streak with a Brock deck - no ex and no free games
Don’t miss the new event flair
Thanking shouldn't take longer than pressing the X
PSA: You automatically Tie after 30 turns, even with time remaining.
Spending optimization thread?
What is this event…
I would rather have a second sidearm than the Eruptor
I just got the Henliner :D
50 player coops
Low sodium youtube channels for HD2?