Yes, I read theory, do you?
It's incredible how ignorant these people are
A smile of a war criminal
Barack Obama has such a wonderful smile
Are Ukrainian Nationalists okay in the head?
Protests in Serbia
EuroTrash politicians repeating script lines again over a conflict they are partially responsible for causing; note the repeating line "The Ball is in Russia's Court." They need to get better script writers than this, because this is embarrassing
Mens day out
Trudeau on the day members of Canada's Liberal Party gather to choose his successor
The West is cooked China developed the MegaTank from Advance Wars !!
Ea/origin game activation
“Israel” nominate this maniac for the Nobel Peace Prize…
Can these two games help cure flight anxiety?
Norwegian Irony
Lol what a wanker
Amazing things are happening on the Baltic States twitter account
Sekretarz Stanu USA: "podziękuj (Elonowi), bo Polska mogłaby mieć Rosjan na granicy"
Over 86% of Poles oppose sending Polish troops to Ukraine, poll reveals
Why are right wingers in Poland anti Ukraine
This post didn't age well
This is so pathetic
Czy EA Sport FC kiedyś doda 1. Ligę do gry?
I don't understand how people think this isn't just racism.
Love this, I know they're not the prettiest but they've got to be better for the environment? Anyone whose seen them what do you think?
People who unsubscribed from their once favorite YouTuber, what made you hit "unsubscribe"?