As an Arab Muslim I love this Jesus Quotes about fasting ❤️
As an Arab Muslim I love this verse In Gospels
Samaritan Jews believe Mohamed was a true prophet for Ishmael children( Arabs) , is there any sect which believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet beside Mormons?
Can candida make you bedridden from brain fog , fatigue?
How much pills who had 5 billions of returi should I put in the first batch ?
How to neutralize acetaldehyde?
Batch #2. Is this good & edible or is it a fail?
عايز كارما عشان انزل مشكلتي وهمسح الاكونت
I have yoghurt machine but without temperature, or time settings. Just on off button. How to use this to make l returi yoghurt?
Bitcoin trading
Male Circumcision Prevalence at Country:
If Salafiyyah is the Saved Sect… Then Which Version of It Is?
Does this look like thrush?
My doc said I should eat carbs and sugar before stool test to make yeast show up to give me treatment . But I am afraid to feel worse. Any advice
لا تخجل يا مسلم
أبو إسحاق الحويني
الشيخ اسحاق الحويني
Fact lol
Officially I made to decision,to switch from CS master degree to electronics and Embedded systems . Do you think it's a wise job ?
Happy Saturday, guys! 😙🎶
So you can make infinite batches only from one batch ? Correct me if I am wrong . I am a big inner
Do Muslims learn about Christianity in school?
Anyone think that he should be admitted to hospital to get IV antifungals. I think I will never defeat this .