H: 5 reflective W: berry tats, fusion cores and overdrive
H: list W: leaders
H: Both Reverse Scout Masks W: Offers
H: Responder fireman Helm W: Leader offers
H: 50 leaders W: fully modded GP with SWIFT core and furious, rapid and conductors mods seperately
Finally 4 digits :)
H: 40k caps W: fuel
H: Uncommon Misc W: Leaders
H: glow bobbles W: leaders/Glow leaders
Why are leaders so demanded?
H: Nucler Winter Switchblade LvL 10 W: RF set + 1k leaders
XBOX Giveaway | 1 full set of X5 reflective mods, 4 winners. | RNG 1-500 | Ends 21st March 10pm GMT
H: misc W: to know if anyone has offers or can let me know what they’d think they’re worth
H: level 10 NW switch W: 2.5k leaders
H: 8 reflective W: 10 leaders each
56 Glowing’s Later! Guess I started a collection 😂
What do we have here?!
1000 átoms per Ghoul Transformation?
H:Reflective W:12 Leaders per
H: 200 leaders + 3 glowing leaders + 5 glowing intelligence bobbles W: wpjs
I randomly found 700 stealth boy mark 3's
[XB1] H: leaders W: legacy weapon offers
Best Way to Display PiP Boy
H: 2.2k leaders + full glow bobble set W: Leather Coat