This will be family guy in 2014
Can I get [Spoilers] Iai move?
I just think it would be funny if
fish tacos
Who do you think is the most tragic Fire Emblem villan?
My first time playing, super easy. When does this game get hard? 🥱🥱🥱💀💀💀
Okay Reddit, do your thing, wth happened here?
My fellow redditors, I have finally reached 100k karma. 1/10 of the way to a million! Keep on Redditing!
My tube is hurt
So does Deadly Spiral drop from human Shibata or not?
Coaxed into Westerns
Surely I'm not *that* predictable...
What's an enemy you love getting grabbed by?
Are Shield, guard counter, jump attacks, blasphemous blade, moonveil, ash of war, magic easy mode ??
Outta this world Dr. Pepper
How could you say no to this face
Hot take: Dark Souls was inspired by Demon’s Souls
Am I underleveled for Tauras Demon?
holy shit
He's literally unstoppable!
coaxed into two good entries (name the series)