John Linnell's next instrument.
The “Follyphone”, a fake musical instrument designed by Lewis Sydney as a parody of new musical instruments being devised at the time, September 1912
Colin Farrell Circling Luca Guadagnino's DC Movie ‘Sgt. Rock’
Stick Stickly
Songs average listeners like but music nerds don't
YSK Clothing Was Not Made for You
Love this trend! My flash sale picks and why I chose them.
IIL music that makes me feel like I'm walking down an alleyway wearing a bowler hat in a film noir, what else would I like?
Will this work how I think? (Prop question)
What are your favorite solos or instrumentals?
[IIL] Songs with a nostalgic "beep-boop" synth melody
Is there any other cheerleader musicals w/ fun music like Bring it on and We are the tigers?
Recs plz!
Remember when Warner Bros had the upmost respect for Looney Tunes? Bugs was basically their mascot at one point
Movies I could watch with my 70 yr old grandma who hates horror and violence
Top ten trains
I’m Going To Go Back There Someday
I’m looking for something with a similar feeling to Whiplash.
Reminder not to take every word you read on this sub as gospel….
[TOMT] I am looking for a music video that had the whimsicality of "pure imagination" of Charlie and the chocolate factory. But not that song
What is your opinion on Wings of Desire?
Getting divorced. Need offline games.
Songs suspiciously similar to the point they kind of sound like drafts of the same song
Does anyone know of a famous series or book about a magical seamstress?
Most funny xtc moments
Give me your best indie walking simulator recommendations