Test your frame (arm break)
Dave's prep for EvW is going well
30kg/66lbs 3" pinch block grip lift for 2 reps
What are your match predictions for East vs West 17?
Organiser of MAC3 event speaks out against Auden haters
My pre order got canceled
what to do with lots of small injuries (shoulders, elbows, wrists, lower back etc)
No Rise/Sunbreak Representation
/r/GYM Monthly Controversial Opinions Thread - March 18, 2025 Monthly Thread
Michael Todd cant beat Ermes and people are talking about Michael Todd facing Levan Lmao.
Don't be a dog, be prey
Prime example of harder than it looks
30kg/66lbs 4" pinch block pinch lift
What would Michael Todd look like with a beard trim and hair transplant?
How did Michael Todd get the nickname "Monster"?
Levan needs to compete 3 times a year.
Cvetan and Sabin must have smth going on. I think that word master might have a more special meaning to them idk
The story was terrible and made me almost quit playing
Monster Todd looking at other options after being crushed by Ermes
My main move for building strong hands and forearms
Why won't Denis just give the hammer back to Devon?
Fuck you, Rathalos! And fuck your stupid ass gem
90kg/198lbs rod handle grip lift
Things that I hate and dislike
Capcom.. PLEASE Bring back grinding!