why are there so many Ye’s haters on this sub?
Top5 manager says he’s going to China to meet Ye
Just Now
Music terms we winning
negative nancy here coming here to say i love you all but ur all delusional and deaf talking about u like this album and its vision, DID WE LISTEN TO THE SAME ALBUM????????
Why is The Weeknd getting disrespected?
Beyoncé and Jay-Z are ‘discussing’ taking legal action against Kanye West following his comments about their children on social media.
why the haters are so much in the sub? bots?
Con los hombres se puede tener una amistad ?
If you could show Kubrick one modern film, what would you choose?
No entiendo el término whitexican
New billy woods track mentions Carti
Billy Woods has the greatest rap discography (and potentially is the greatest rapper) of all time
Datos curiosos de cu
Entradas a los tuneles de chihuahua?
Chihuahua es conservador?
Un viejito con una boca extraña
Guess who showed up on Steve Jobs' iPhone music library?
Dune sucks. I'm sorry, but it does.
Ayn Rand on Israel
Lucian Grainge and Drake
Justin Laboy is the lebron of cockmunchers
Sydney Sweeney. La actriz publicó una imagen con una camiseta con el siguiente eslogan: "Perdón por tener grandes tetas y opiniones correctas ¿que opinan?
What kind of discrimination is this? Taylor swift got a fucking custom animation for her album
Your ultimate book crush