This quest was hilarious omg
Ciri trying to kill the crones is making me angry quit the Witcher.
Your weekly dose of "God Damn it Roach"
Triss vs Shani
Bought my first ever game. Let's Goooo???
Velen Peasant starter pack.
Best game ever
Man, I'm Such A Simp For Yennefer!
Triss from The Witcher 3. Cosplayer is astrid_hime.
This damn toad gave me more trouble than any monster in the game. What was the most annoying boss for you?
Place of Power in Kyoto
Hehe funny number
What is this?!
I love triss but this scene just made me reload earlier save 💔
Bro, for a game that was made in 2015, the graphics are holding up like crazy 😍
Characters I actually felt bad having to kill
Things I'd let Kallen do to me... 🤤 [Art by sciamano240]
Tatsumaki had GOD Scared lol, that’s my girl.
Introducing, a new NSFW VA-11 Hall-A story mod, featuring Jill and Dana!
C.C. by me
Is there anyone bigger simp in anime that beats Gendo?
‘One Punch Man’ Season 3 Key Visual
Expetation vs reality
POV: Hellion
Not to brag, but after 350 hours I still have no idea what this guy does when he gets to rank 1