Am I balding?
Has Jason Griffith confirmed to be the announcer for DDR World?
Is this 12 pack rare?
Help troubleshooting cab
What modifiers do you use in DDR?
What are you guys choosing ?
Update on my 90 day goal of passing Maxx 300 barless
What is the most ridiculous hairstyle you’ve ever seen?
i'm in the basement
Arm soreness
Men’s Room Graffiti
Does anyone know if the arcade in Blacktown in Australia still has the ddr machine? If so what songs are on it
Which fountain sodas are you choosing from? Coca - Cola Company or PepsiCo?
How much is my acc worth
My DIY DDR Set Up is Complete!
In DDR WORLD, I can't figure out...
I want to introduce you to my parents. Here is my mom and dad. They’re a little shy.
What is a DDR announcer line that you found funny in the mainline DDR arcade series?
Family guy is real confirmed not clickbait
MAME 0.275
DDR Extreme cabinet in background of water review video
Is it normal for "Snow" to just appear in your cereal?
What was the first DDR game you played?
What is a DDR song you absolutely hate or can’t stand?