Does logging activities afterward not affect recovery hours correctly?
Head position while spinning?
Feminine/aesthetically pleasing Garmin watch faces
Which type of jump do you find most satisfying to watch when done well? For me it's a loop.
Are you part of the figure skating to F1 pipeline?
Thoughts on black tights that go halfway over the boot?
Something I just learned, after three years of taking Lexapro.
Will this defect be a problem?
How to count spins?
Looking for worship music in Hebrew
This is a lovely piece I’ve bought.
I got banned on the Christianity sub
Returning my whoop
Is there something like Duolingo but that has the niqqud?
Spin position you’re not a fan of?
Update. Had my Garmin for a week… I miss Whoop
Torn between these 3 camps. Help!
Why does whoop feel stagnant for the past year.
Are my Skates too big ?
Anyone know of any adult camps this year?
Can you share pics of your rainbow pups? I want to see who she is playing with up there!
Hip snapping exercises?
What skates should I buy?
Calf/achilles strain from wearing Brooks?