For large pores does microneedling or fractal laser help?
My cat is in a ~3 am screaming phase
Looking for in-home dog sitter
Automatic litter box thats been killing cats
Whats up with this lady beetle?
Can we start a sleeping cat photo thread please?
New frog!
Pond water
Viva Piñata
Scoby is out of liquid
Does leca have good enough air pockets
Bio balls
Viva Piñata added please
If I added fruit to my mead too early can I take them out?
Adding fruit to mead
Places to buy from
Am I poly?
New to poly -- Feeling disconnected from my partner after the person I've been talking to/seeing ended things.
Whats the most you've spent on a plant?
Math 116
Any movies to recommend like Fantastic Planet?