I'm guessing rep but want to make sure
Finally getting nice outside where I live 🙏🏼
Interesting 🧐
Any tips?
Red dot?
What do yall think of my buzz cut? Rate it 1-10
Pita Bread?
Peter, what does this one mean?
Hate when this happens
Working on it
Some planche progress
Why did “time in bed” stop showing?
My 7 year prison experience
Got my first big boy watch, how did I do?
Is there any way I can stop my watch ultra from defaulting to this screen whenever something plays?
I haven't trained my back properly for a few weeks. Am I doing well?
Please help
Need help & advice on my Archer Pull Up progression
My last & final post
28M - Feedback?
Felons are not allowed to own stocks???
Practicing pushing towards the wall so I don’t fall back after each press up.
Finally got to 10 pull ups
Some handstand presses to end the workout
What move goal would you set for me?
Any opinion on my planche form?