Black people can't be racist. Black people:
Any plans for Tenet 2?
Without Googling, reply with a place in the UK that has ‘ham’ in the name
is it possible to transfer game progress from original Skyrim to Skyrim VR?
RFK Jr says he faces federal investigation for beheading whale
Egypt is too weak again
misuse of the term 'social anxiety'
The border between Canada and the U.S. is just a clearcut line in the forest. This is above Eureka, MT
(Spoilers MAIN) Can someone explain George’s dragon lore rant to me I’m having a hard time making it make sense.
I broke free from the UK as india, how do i form india?
Oh, all of a sudden they turn into Alex Jones 🤣
I’m not even a fan of Trump but I gotta be honest, that’s a hell of a way to respond to an assassination attempt.
Power Blocs are trying to represent too much to be mutually exclusive with each other
The amount of sense this shipwreck makes
(Spoilers Extended) Which character did the show 'hollow-out' the most?
AI NPCs try to figure out who, among them, is the human
Anyone able to get Proteus character switching to actually work on VR?
Would upgrading Ram help performance if upgrading VRAM is impossible?
8 hours in.
Incredible close up of a lion named King Alex while he gets photographed at dusk
It's OK when I do it
It was so cowardly & dishonorable. I’m still shocked that he was okay with killing her that way..