What song could you just not get into?
Carti responded to YE
Met my nigga destroy lonely today 🥹
i (15f) kinda lost interest in him(15m) and dk what to do
Any1 interested???
Idk what I should do (me 15m and friend 14f)
Should I accept this trade?
Should I accept?
How much could this go for?
Is this a good trade?
How much is this worth?
Is this a good trade pretty new to the game
Through the wire is such a good song!
IG deleted DMS of me and my dead friend
Is there more genders? Genuinely asking
Pulled this from a map drop
Kanye confirms he wasn’t in the right state of mind when he made those tweets.
DrakeLiking a post about Kendrick’s Super Bowl performance
Asking my crush for valentines today
I 15M am in love with 15F but confused?