If you could rewatch any anime for the first time, which anime would it be?
The fucking audacity to compare breaking bad to something otherthan The Wire.
Does being called a 'femboy' considered offensive to straight men?
Hina had a 3-1 lead as a childhood friend, seems liked chii locked the fuck in. Made the comeback of the century
What's a popular anime that you didn't like?
Should I really draw Yukari as Mr. Heisenberg cooking meth???
This really
If you can only eat 1 fruit for the rest of your life, what would it be ?
Good question
Alya Teasing In Her School Uniform (By @Kitirna)
『Aqua didn't rest much in the end』(@bhive003)
The shirt have arrived
Who is your favorite anime couple (non-romantic anime)
bro who is a gamer: 💀
Genuine topic, if you got in the 'Rascal Does not Dream...' verse, how would shit go down?
An Anime you enjoyed way more than you thought you were going to?
Always Alya
The truth.
Does my tier list seem fair?
Alya in Pajamas
What if Alya was an Elf?
Daily Mahiru and Amane(till S2) #DAY41
What's a popular anime you don't like?
what was the first ever anime you watched, and the most recent?