What do you think of Taragui brand?
Hey guys! I’m pretty new to mate, I’m italian and discovered mate in a trip to Argentina where I made friends with lovely people who shared it with me. Before coming back home I bought a gourd to start drinking it at home too! However, unfortunately I don’t really know where to buy good mate where I live. I saw that local supermarkets have Taragui brand which I’d heard of when I was in Argentina so I thought it would be legit. I’ve already gone through a 1k bag and honestly enjoyed it very much, but slightly less than what I tried in Argentina. I’ve been following this community for a while now and have never seen anyone mention this brand, so now I’m starting to wonder if it’s actually not good and I should check out online shops to buy better quality brands. I’m hoping someone can give me some reccomendations on which online shops I should check out and if Taragui is ok or not. Thanks in advance and hope you all enjoy your mate✨🍃