Panic attacks all of a sudden
I’ve been smoking basically everyday since I was 15, it genuinely felt like apart of me I couldn’t even imagine quitting, I didn’t think I’d ever have a reason. A few weeks before my 20th I started to have extreme panic attacks, not every time I smoked only the times when I “over did it”. I’ve always had some level of anxiety but I have never in my life had an actual panic attack. The first time it happened I thought I might be having a heart attack as I had never experienced the feeling, since then I think there’s definitely been a mental block which makes it worse. I’m on day 20 of not smoking, however on like day 10 I tried having a drink before bed as I was having trouble sleeping but I was genuinely too scared to smoke. I thought it’d be fine I have never had any issues with alcohol aside from the obvious, but all of a sudden my legs felt tingly, I’m almost certain that paying attention to that sensation and over thinking it is what caused this panic attack I’m just so frustrated because can I just never partake in either ever again?
The reason I’m actually taking the time to write this post after all this time is because tonight on day 20 of no weed or alcohol I decided to try a minimal amount of cbd/thc oil and I mean basically nothing and then I felt it I tried my best to breathe through it my legs went tingly but thankfully it only last like 5 minutes it was barely anything but I’m still pretty upset to lose this coping mechanism. I knew for awhile I should quit at some point as I have adhd and I’ve been wanting to try some meds, for that I’ll need to test every few months in my country and state but this just feel like I’m being forced to quit the one thing that has helped me for years I mean all through high school through breakups and family issues idk what replies if any I’m expecting but I dont know I guess I’m just frustrated that it’s gotten to this point.