Egypt is too weak again
So in ViC2 Egypt was ahistorically weak compared to the Ottomans and the Ottwomans.
At the launch of ViC3 Egypt was very strong compared to the Ottos and would wreck them. Historically that`s kinda what happened but due to forgein intervention of Russia and Britain that prefered weak Ottomans in place of relatively stronger and more organized Egypt. The problem was that they would never side with the Turks in-game.
The devs tried to remedy this by making Turks even stronger than they were IRL and giving Egypt several years of truce.
The result is that the Oriental Crisis almost every single time ends with lone Egypt vs Ottomans war and Turks easly overpower way smaller egyptian army making them a pushover instead of actual threat to the turkish dominance over the arabs.
The wacky war system does not help either, the Ottomans can easly put tens of thousands of soldier on Libyan border and quickly take over Alexandria which was hard to logistically pull of even during WW2 with relatively modern logistical equipment.
BTW if you want to see how weirdly strong Ottomans are, they can easly take over entire middle-east up to India if they time their conquest with Russian plays so they are busy. Both Egypt and Iran are easly overwhelmed and their conquest is trivial, while the desert of Arabia is a non-issue and Bedoin will turn into peacefull farmers the moment you conquer them.