How to short Tesla over several days?
I have bought some x3 short ETFs in the past like TSLQ, but apparently they "reset" daily and therefore are not meant to be kept over several days, but meant to be sold at the end of each day, which I don't think can be automated with T212?
Are there some short ETFs that can be kept over longer durations?
Edit: question is about how to short a stock over several days/weeks, ideally with an ETF and not with more complex products. Question is not really about whether Tesla should be shorted or not.
I don't really understand the daily "reset", as the graph for TSLQ doesn't show the price dropping back daily to the same value. Looking at the graph for TSLQ for instance, stock gained 266% over the last 3 months.
Betting for a stock to go down with some leverage is of course a gamble rather than investment, and I won't put much money in it (very small fraction of my overall portfolio).