Ok I hope this is allowed but



This community has done a lot for my mental health, even as mostly a lurker. I’m not hugely active, but knowing this space exists as a safe haven for us transbians of various forms & categories (myself being nonbinary) really brings my heart a lot of resolution & joy through what has been a pretty tumultuous, peaks-and-valleys time, atleast here in the US.

So thanks y’all for making this place work, from me & whoever else feels this way, as I’m certain I’m not the only one. Y’all are the best.

And to the rest of the community - obviously, it wouldn’t be this way without you, too.

You’re all the pwettiest & most adorable! I’d like to offer a general sweep of headpats, ear scritches, handshakes, gentle waves, winks, nods, smiles, whatever form of greeting or acknowledgements make you feel the most comfortable & recognized 💙