How I Reduced Tinnitus|A different perpective

   Hello, I will briefly talk about my own Tinnitus journey and turning point in my life. I now think that I have stress Induced Tinnitus. And hang on with this main theme, because some of you might as well.  First of all I am a 29 years old male. I have had Tinnitus since I was a child.  I even remember this first time I started hearing the sound in my ears and ask my grandma in fear. Only to be shrugged off and left unanswered.   The Tinnitus have always ranged between 7-10 and 4-10 on a constant basis. İt is a characterized  high pitched chirping sound in both of my ears.   Last couple of weeks I have been in a lot of pain, because Tinnitus sound became too unbearable for me and interrupted my sleep. At worst,  I had 4 hours of sleep in 2 days. Now I know, there is an intricate process between the anxiety and tinnitus sensation, because I have been extremely stressed for the last couple of months. I also can say that I've had quite a traumatized, sometimes hearth wrenching life full of unwanted moments, particularly in my childhood. I've also recently been thinking.that my hyypochondriac tendencies might have some ties to traumas.       Besides these experienced, I have also been an avid psychology reader for the last couple of years and my knowledge about my psyche has never been this high. This made me come to a hypothesis.I've had this "illness" for at least 14 years with me. Somehow, it never progressed into deafness. I sometimes felt (this is very important) partly insensitive to sounds, I can accept that,but thats it. How can I have a non progressive problem for 10 years? İs there something else lurking in the depths of my being? My words apply to some people who have mild hearing loss as well. Can other stressors trigger, and even cause tinnitus? But why?       Then bam, I bumped into a doctor called John Sarno, and read his approach towards illnesses. My hypothesis has been answered by this person in a book. I have been reading it for the last couple of days and I kid you not, today tinnitus in both of my ears (or brain?) has dropped to 1-10, from 8/9-10 in a dramatically short amount of time. I even had brief moments of complete silence. I want to tell you all about this book, because in my honest opinion, information inside it has been invaluable and simply miraculous for me.  I know we all suffer from this situation, but I am also aware we have so much about ourselves that we don't know. Please read the book without an expectation of cure, just read it to learn new things about yourself and find your own answers. You can't lose anything from reading, however you also can learn a lot.   Book's name is The Divided Mind- The Epidemic Of Mindbody Disorders by John Sarno. Thank you for your time. Take care.