what were you overreactive / underreactive thyroid symptoms ? help !

i 20F have had some recent issues. at the end of February, i notice a swell on the right side of my neck. at first i thought it was a lymph node, but it wasnt up high , circular , so on. it was more like a nodule was swollen.

currently, it's still swollen. though only can you tell by touch. ive gained nausea since then, aswell as fatigue, aches, worsened anxiety, tight throat, etc ... i have a doctors appointment at the end of the month.

this all aside, i am a hypochondriac. and ive told myself i have cancer ... deep down i believe i have a simple thyroid issue such as overreactive / underreactive thyroid , or something other. but my mind is shouting " cancer. youre going to die ".

i wanted to know if anyone has had these issues before getting their diagnosis ?

again, i do have an appointment. im a 20 year old female. no family cancer risk. though, non cancerous thyroid issues are an issue on my mothers side.

help a girl out ? im really scared. this nausea and worsened anxiety is killing me.