The state of this State is abysmal
Rick Perry’s Texas had more unity and public servitude than Greg Abbot’s Texas LLC.
If he’s not trying to dip into Saudi Arabia’s massive oil funds, he’s trying to entice Las Vegas casinos, and if Abbot isn’t snaking around for more money, he and his constituents look for reasons to divide his state even further.
Texas was once a great state, and now has a cost of living comparable to California and New Jersey, with an oligarchy governing body, that only allows policies that continue to line the pockets of the politicians in charge, while making it nearly impossible to vote them out due to their voting restrictions, making it an unethical decision for many to choose between work and a civic duty.
I was once a voter in this state, but after experiencing the amount of time it takes to vote, how much it matters in the end, and the amount of horrendously out of touch policies, I succumbed to the mindset of “too far gone”. I have been here for 28 years of my 30 years of life, and my grandmother was a democrat raised in Dallas, who showed me at a young age to see past politics, agreeing to disagree. As a public school teacher, UT alum, ex-councilwoman, she is rolling in her grave because of the actions of this administration. She once embodied what it meant to be a Texan; warm, inviting, light up a room, even if she did take her sweet time doing things, and most of all: accepting of all walks of life.
This state has become tarnished in my eyes, and if anyone wants to take a stab at polishing this turd, have at it.