Tips For a Long Weekend? Help!

Hey y’all. I’m a teacher headed to a Wed-Sat conference in a few weeks. My district doesn’t foot the bill for everything, so my SD offered to cover my room… THEN he surprised me by offering to join me in the room at the conference location! I’m so excited, but I’ve only ever stayed one night at a time with him in a hotel.

I’m sure you can see where this is headed… and yes, I’ve looked at other posts. Just wondering what works for others as far as “the facilities” go… I’m not sure that I could (ya know) while he’s in the room. I’d be so worried about the smell!!!! 🤦🏼‍♀️

Y’all, I need some tips and reassurance. I’ll be at the conference during most of the day, so I’ll try to do my business there. But what if the urge hits at an inopportune time??? And SDs, would you be grossed out if your SB had to use the little girls room while you were in the room??? Help!!