Ejection Rejection T-Shirt from T. Banister in 4.1 PTU reward unlocked?
This T-shirt popped up at very top of my home location inventory and I never bought it in a store nor looted it in the PTU. It's the same T-shirt T. Banister is wearing in the Wikelo Emporium Cryopod.
The Ejection Rejection T-Shirt has been in the game for a while though, it is part of the Life in the 'Verse Shirts Pack #2 from the Subscribers' Store.
The only successful interaction I managed to perform with this Cryopod was shooting at it to get the life support terminated, something I tested 10 days ago but also today. So I can't confirm if, in case I effectively triggered a reward, I got it back then or if I did it after today's interaction.
The Cryopod will have its life support brand new whenever we leave the hangar and go back to the showcase as for the current PTU build.
In case anybody is able to test this as well to confirm it, please, report it back to confirm this theory. But if this is a thing for 4.1 and you want to trigger a reward, be aware that maybe this is a choices scenario and there is another way to interact with it instead of straight away shooting the Cryopod to damage it. I'm still wondering if we all can manage to find a way to maybe set her free if that fits our personal judgment about our findings behind this story.
Original post conversation: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1jbmad0/the_missing_tessa_bannister_oh_wait_this_one_has/