For the Sabre Owners/Users - IR Emissions


I have recently purchased a Sabre to help in Pyro doing missions and being able to stay undetected.

However my IR readings are significantly higher than what I was expecting/what Erkul is suggesting.

I am not sure if I am misunderstanding the emission readings, or what but I believe with my IR emissions so high I can expect to be targeted/found up to 8k out. Erkul suggests this should be able to go down to around 2.5k IR emissions, but I can't seem to get that.

I have attached a pic of my emissions in game, and what Erkul is advising. Erkul is correct on my EM and Cross section.

I have tried a couple of different things such as running 1 power plant, 1 cooler, but ultimately can only get this to drop to around 7.8k so I opt to go with 2 PP so I have more of an easy time with power management.

Any suggestions/tips on what I am doing wrong would be great.

Thanks o7

Edit: Added Images