Looking to buy my first board once prices drop after the season. Thoughts on some good options for a beginner?

I have one trip under my belt on rental gear and absolutely loved it. Sniffed some blues by day 3/4 and feel like I could have done a little more but held back due to fatigue and out respect for the mountain and my abilities (I wanted to feel confident going back a second trip, not worried about my collar bone)

I’m looking for a board that, coupled with bindings and boots, would be in the $$400-$700 range (yes it’s a wide range, but I’m flexible if the gear I settle on will last me)

Some additional info:

I plan to make at least one big trip a year going forward, possibly a second or third small trip out east that’s closer and more accessible. I figure $350 a season in rental gear justifies buying a board and paying to travel with it

I’d like to get a “buy it for life” type setup if possible. Not literally for life. But something that won’t be too much of a beginner board in 2 years when I improve but not too difficult of a board to make next years trips a learning experience

The rental board I had was 145cm. I’m 5’7” and about 200lbs

Because i don’t live near a mountain I have little desire to ever enter a park, but I would like something that’s pretty all-mountain that could be useable on some boxes and small rails 4 years down the road