Why maxedy?

As a 14 ( soon to be 15 in April ) year old, I'm still a kid. And tsm is a character that I'm just obsessed with. I've seen so many concepts of tsm fail. I've seen my favorite character be toyed in every verse, disrespected and treated uninustly. To the point slandering him was normal. I had so much hope from Dom and, he disappointed me like no one. Virlance was alright I guess, but he even have him normal upgrades, but atleast he was the best tsm .

Now I saw maxedy developing tsm's character and making such beautiful voicelines and so much more. I saw him upgrading tsm, and since plunger's design and upgrade was fire, I let him cook.

For 2 months... I waited so long, I had so much hope, just to get... A red Vegeta who ki spams? What is this maxedy? Like seriously, what is this? Is this the guy I've been waiting for so long? Is this the guy who should've been given justice? What?

No armor, no weapons, no designs, like did you even care for the guy? You can spend time making designs of g titan, ttvm, cassette titan, plungerman, but can't make a good fudging design for the most slandered and disrespected character??? Even dark speakerman's design is better than this monstrosity. You gave him an upgrade just to give him a worse design than his 1.0?

I can't even swear since I'm a Muslim. But just let it know, this hurt me. This disappointed me more than Dom's titan speakerman. I'm legit crying rn man.

Really? Blasters that can't even fudging defeat destructors in a laser battle? A hoodie to make him a punchable emo shit? A translucent or transparent sword? The core is literally duchess's laser.

Overall, this is the worst tsm ever. Maxedy you did wrong, and no way your going to convince me that you think this is a good tsm. I legit wished I hated this series. I love saga, and expected from you so much, and here I am, disappointed. And y'all call me a glazer? My goat gets treated worse than Vegeta. And man if boom does anything like this, then what's even the point of trying?

As a 14 ( soon to be 15 in April ) year old, I'm still a kid. And tsm is a character that I'm just obsessed with. I've seen so many concepts of tsm fail. I've seen my favorite character be toyed in every verse, disrespected and treated uninustly. To the point slandering him was normal. I had so much hope from Dom and, he disappointed me like no one. Virlance was alright I guess, but he even have him normal upgrades, but atleast he was the best tsm .

Now I saw maxedy developing tsm's character and making such beautiful voicelines and so much more. I saw him upgrading tsm, and since plunger's design and upgrade was fire, I let him cook.

For 2 months... I waited so long, I had so much hope, just to get... A red Vegeta who ki spams? What is this maxedy? Like seriously, what is this? Is this the guy I've been waiting for so long? Is this the guy who should've been given justice? What?

No armor, no weapons, no designs, like did you even care for the guy? You can spend time making designs of g titan, ttvm, cassette titan, plungerman, but can't make a good fudging design for the most slandered and disrespected character??? Even dark speakerman's design is better than this monstrosity. You gave him an upgrade just to give him a worse design than his 1.0?

I can't even swear since I'm a Muslim. But just let it know, this hurt me. This disappointed me more than Dom's titan speakerman. I'm legit crying rn man.

Really? Blasters that can't even fudging defeat destructors in a laser battle? A hoodie to make him a punchable emo shit? A translucent or transparent sword? The core is literally duchess's laser.

Overall, this is the worst tsm ever. Maxedy you did wrong, and no way your going to convince me that you think this is a good tsm. I legit wished I hated this series. I love saga, and expected from you so much, and here I am, disappointed. And y'all call me a glazer? My goat gets treated worse than Vegeta. And man if boom does anything like this, then what's even the point of trying?