Silent Hill 2 REMAKE - creating distractions
Started my first playthrough for SH2 Remake this week and adjusting to the AI of enemy confrontations. As I learn environment layouts and lure monsters to follow one route and dodge them another way, it becomes a lot of tedious cat and mouse hoping they won't become a heat seeking missile and follow James nonstop.
Considering it's still a Konami property, developed by a secondary team, my stealth method had me thinking of methods from Metal Gear Solid. Snake can knock on walls, shoot out lights, create other distractions to throw enemies off his trail or further ambush them.
So does anyone else think an innovative feature for this remake would've been for James to create distractions. Since he's collecting random things like bent needles and packs of soda cans, he should be able to throw an object to distract monsters, bang on a wall with the pipe and run the other way, or even the clever method from the Silent Hill 2006 movie, set the flashlight down somewhere to lead monsters to it, then sabotage them from behind while they're staring into the light.