If it's taking Riot 6 YEARS to produce a fighting game, we're never getting the MMO

The scope of making a fighting game is MUCH smaller than an MMO (not to say it's easy, but fighting games get churned out all the time). You don't even need to design different stages from a balance/game design stand point; it's all visual.

The progress of 2XKO has been incredibly slow and with the latest update (or almost lack thereof), it's feeling like this game is much further away from where they'd hoped to be by now. I credit that they're trying some new things (server based rollback, 4 player tag fighter, etc), but lots of smaller studios churn out similar or larger scale projects in much less time. Ghostcrawler, the former lead of the Riot MMO who left, even said one of the downsides of working with a larger company like Riot is how much slower it is to get anything done.

Given that they also completely changed the direction of the MMO and people are already questioning the release of 2XKO, I wouldn't be surprised if they realize their expectations for an MMO are just impossible to meet.