I'm interested to hear if anyone else has experienced insomnia, seemingly when on long streaks.
I've been making an extra effort this year to practice SR and have been mostly with a few slip ups here and there. I've been suffering every so often passed few months from quite severe insomnia. I'll admit that there's probably aome other factors, like sometimes sleeping schedule is a bit inconsistent and I have been trying to curb a bad habit of getting into bed late.
However I feel like when I've been on a long streak, sometimes all the built up energy seems to be a factor keeping me awake. Noe there are things that help, such as some days I do quite intensive training in a particular martial arts club or going to the sauna tends to make me very sleepy. Problem is though that it's not always practical to do these things everyday, some days I might just want to stay at home. Last night I could not get to sleep at all, I went to bed around 12:30am which yes is kinda late but it's a lot better than what I was doing the past. I was laying awake until 8am tossing and turning, I had to tell me work I was not wellcane would start work later. I managed to sleep a few hours and then start work. Despite any general sleeping issues that I may have been going through, I've never had this problem during a period in which I was releasing even if just ever couple of weeks or so. I would always fall asleep in max one hour even if I had gone to bed too late.
Has anyone got any ideas or experiences of this? I tried things like sleeping pills, breathing exercises but still not helping. It's causing serious problems for my work, I'm struggling to get certain tasks done because I'm feeling tired most of the time.