NHSC Scholarship - pros and cons?
I have done some preliminary research on the NHSC scholarship program. I am not dead set on any speciality, but I am 99% sure I will be doing primary care. Family medicine, IM, and psychiatry are what interest me most. I want a decent work/life balance, surgery doesn't seem to match my personality and wants, and I am really interested in working for a medically underserved area because I grew up in one.
I am an incoming D.O. student, so it is scary putting myself into a box when I haven't even started school and i'm not 1,000% certain of what speciality I want, but I don't come from a rich family. I will be paying for school with loans. All loans. It's going to be around $400,000. Being able to not only get my loans paid off but also receive a monthly stipend would be amazing and bring me peace. I understand that when I am an attending, I can make anywhere between $200,000 - $300,000 a year, and if you live conservatively and save money, you can pay the loans pretty fast. But I worry how I will pay loans during residency. I will have no help at all, my parents cannot afford to help me with loan payments. If PSLF is taken away, what do you do? How do you pay loans off when you make $50k a year?
Has anyone here done this scholarship where you have it starting day 1 of medical school?
Were you absolutely certain you were going to do primary care?
Is the scholarship competitive?
Thank you!