What's your "Travel Trio?"
A lot of hypotheticals get tossed around as far as being a Trainer, Researcher, etc. in the Pokemon universe are considered. "What's your team?" "Who's your ace?" "Where would you be from?" Things like that.
Okay, but how do you ideally get around when chasing your dreams? All of these superpowered elemental monsters, but some of them are less than 2ft. tall, no matter how much of a punch they pack. As much as I love Excadrill, I can't exactly rely on hopping on its back to ride over to the next town!
Certainly there are some more capable mons out there that you'd enlist to help you traverse this big, interesting world?
Now, I'm not necessarily talking about using different mons on your journey that aren't in your party (as seen in XY, Sun/Moon, PLA). I'm talking about three different Mons YOU catch and YOU train to help you get around on a consistent basis: one for air, one for water, and one for ground. Now, you can ride something in the water and it not be Water-type (Avalugg, Rhyperior, etc.), just as you can ride something in the air and it not be Flying-type (Golurk, Hydreigon, etc.), so don't feel constrained by typing. Also, don't feel limited by what can learn Fly, Surf, etc., either - if you can justify it working, why not go for it? So...
- Air:
- Water:
- Ground:
Who you picking?