The final push! Last call for any changes which NEED to happen pre-release to App Store. I've tried to address most of the suggestions raised, with a couple parked til post live.

I've just pushed what I'm hoping is pretty much the last beta (though some material code changes, so hoping not introduced crashes!).

WARNING: If you update to latest beta with an existing save in the middle of offseason, then the draft for that year will not happen, as Draft moved from preseason week 6, to week 3.

Beta 22 Details:

  • Swapped round preseason order to have Draft before Free Agency
  • Updated draft pick value to prevent over/undervaluing draft picks. Previous logic based on just the most recent season with no assumption worst teams would improve
  • Redefined draft classes/sizes to better reflect draft player ages, and top players declaring earlier
  • Multiposition players added to draft
  • Final ranks now reflect season results correctly (fixing Beta 21)

For those not yet on the Beta: