PGM Basketball Beta - MEGATHREAD 6
More changes for this latest beta, based on feedback so far (thanks once more!). Again, please share anything else left outstanding / any more tweaks to stats - almost there now I think.
- Dual Position Players: Introduced secondary positions, without stat penalty
- Injuries: Reduced frequency a tad and some injury lengths
- AI Roster Management: AI will now be more flexible with player positions, and signing players to cover injuries happens a lot less often
- Game Week Screen: You can now back out of this screen at any time (when not simming). This is particularly useful when injuries hit your team. Control back to the player, rather than AI!
- Player Stat Screen: Removed 'blank' games from the player stats on their page
- Game Stat Balancing: Hopefully fixed most of the remaining challenges. Rebounds now more in line and team/overall stats seem to be in about the right place to me.
- Incorrect Commentary: Fixed wording stating incorrect number of fouls til out game
- Updated Initial Season: Now 2025 to align with upcoming season!
- Updated Default Rosters: Now reflects all recent changes to underlying player models.
- Removed Injured Reserve: Found out this isn't a basketball thing!
- Trade Frequency: Reduced frequency, and boosted at deadline.
- Most Improved Player: Hidden in Year 1, but fixed bug stopping it in future years
- Hidden Social: For now. Not happy with content, so want to spend more time on this later.
And Beta 21 Update since live.
- Assistant Coaches can now be promoted to Head Coach
- Added vet minimum expectations into player demands
- Fixed MVPs not appearing in POTY count
- Reordered some commentary in game for Rotations/Injuries.
- Put Points, Rebounds, Assists together in stats
- Changed season total stats to % where appropriate
- Reordered draft picks for playoff teams - no longer driven by final result. Aligned to reg season wins.
- Coaches, scouts, and physios missing personalities fixed
- Fixed commentary/stats being attributed to the wrong team for assists
- Fixed missing commentary for blocked shots and steals/turnovers
- Fixed missing commentary for buzzer shots
- Tweaks to shot selection / game management at end of game
I'd love to release this as the basketball season begins, so please share any changes required before release. There will always be more to do, so game-breaking ones only please.
I've seen something about players declining contracts which they shouldn't - if you could share more info on that, that would be awesome please.
For those not yet on the Beta:
- To join Beta, click this link - and follow the instructions.