[US,NJ] [H] English Low to Mid modern cards, JP 151 hits c/uc, holo, PB, EX's. EN 151 Reverse Holo's 151 Charizard SIR [W] Trades, 151 Masterballs, Paypal
Another week another post!
Charizard SIR (Valued at $191) is a trade only for the higher end stuff in my wishlist and here is my wishlist of 151 masterballs
I have JP 151 cards ranging from C/UC to IRs please see my JP 151 pics
Here is a list of JP 151 Pokeballs and EXs
Here is a list of English 151 Reverse Holos and EXs
I have my english side of the binder here English Pages
If by chance you are interested in One Piece TCG i have these cards
Pricing is based of TCG Lowest Verified and pricechart. Discount for multicard buyers.
Trades take precedence. Shipping is +$1 PWE and +$5 BMWT