Downvote or Hate me but, Stricken is BUNS.
For me Stricken is a REALLY mid monster. As much as I loved him so much, He’s still so buns. He relies HEAVILY on his Custard ability aka A Third Objective for the Survivors and Even if you kept Spamming, Other Survivors will probably get rid off those. Tank is good but Also Map Dependent as Fuck, Indoor Maps Suck ass cuz Rock Throw ahh ability and he has probably one of if not the WORST camera shit in the game making him so disorienting and janky to move and shit. Outdoors are pretty buns aswell, but Tank is really good (except the worst map ever Forest). Overall Stricken is a pretty BUNS monster and before you say “hIs NeW!” And “He gOt a BuFf!”, I’ve played him atleast 15 times since his release and His Buff ain’t helping bro with find Survivors and his Map Dependent ass Shit.