Everything is powered on, but my monitors won't display anything.

So my seta cable that was connected to my fan controller unit stopped working. I had to do a lot of trouble shooting/plugging and unplugging parts to figure out what it was.

So I got a new one, but now after getting everything plug in and booted up, my moniters won't display anything. They will turn on when I boot the computer, but they will say display port/hdmi no signal.

I have tried googling, used different moniters, different HDMI ports, unplugging and replugging the graphics card and plugging the HDMI to the MOBO instead, but nothing seems to work.

Can anyone look at these images and please let me know if maybe I missed something when I replugged everything back in or something?

Also I do apologize for the sloppy cable managment, I've been unplugging and replugging a bunch and am going to clean it up once I figure out what is wrong.