Cassie, my European Starling, jamming out to the radio. Anyone else's bird LOVE car rides?
He's too cute with this shit. He's finding his voice. He's just started doing the R2D2-esque thing the past couple days and has been really really talkative. We're just waiting on the first "real" words. He's just the sweetest boy and an absolute delight to be around. We drive in the car for hours and go to parks to peck around, and there are a few business that let him fly free in the shop. He is incredibly socialized with people and just the funniest little dude.
At home, I have a dedicated bedroom as an aviary and let him have pretty much free roam of the house (when cats secured). I've had him for a couple months since he was a baby. He was found by a local business on a busy street. He was inside there for a few days, so I decided to take him home as my first bird ever (never got one before because I knew what a big commitment they are).
But I fucking love him and am not sure if I want to get another bird to live alongside him. I'm tempted to do mixed species with a budgie. But there are some really sweet conures that seem to really enjoy interacting with him, but I worry about the long-term safety of those interactions. Does anyone have thoughts or experience with this?