The Craziest Law Firm I’ve Ever Worked At

I landed my first real law firm job at a personal injury firm, and looking back, the rules were absolutely insane.

The manager bought a new building and immediately banned all food and drinks—only water was allowed, and it had to be in a water bottle. If you broke the rule, you’d get written up and had to throw your food or drink away.

I’m a coffee addict, so every morning, I had to chug my coffee before stepping inside. That’s actually how I became addicted to iced coffee—because who can chug hot coffee in minutes? Not me. 🥴

Women were required to wear heels. No exceptions. We also had to address attorneys as “Attorney [Last Name]” at all times—again, no exceptions.

But it gets worse. The turnover rate was ridiculously high (for obvious reasons). They once hired an older woman who happened to have the same name as a young associate attorney. Instead of just dealing with it like normal people, management forced the older woman to go by her middle name because they thought it would be “too confusing.” She quit the next day.

Oh, and talking? Not allowed. Unless you were on the phone with a client, office staff weren’t allowed to talk to each other. The managing attorneys had cameras facing our desks and could listen in on our conversations. We resorted to passing notes like we were in high school. You also would get written up if you were 5 minutes late, no exceptions. I was once late due to police shutting down the highway due to a chemical fire that started at 6am. When I showed my manager the news article and informed him of this, he insisted that I should have gotten up at 5am to make it to work on time because if this were the airport the plane would still leave me lol and I got written up.

Also, the managing attorney only hired women. At the time, I didn’t think much of it, but looking back, I definitely see why. One day, someone clogged the bathroom, and instead of handling it like a normal boss, he called a full staff meeting to lecture us on how we were “taught” to dispose of feminine products.

After a year, I got promoted…and quit the same day. Lol. I just needed the experience to add on my resume. And this was in 2021.

What’s the craziest law firm experience you’ve had?