Further changes to the rules

We are changing a rule that was recently put in place. Here's the details:

We no longer allow revivals that use released or stolen source code, unless said project is publically endorsed by a developer of the original project. For example, you cannot use the source code of Syntax or ECS as a base or build upon it. (With a exception for Kiseki, as one of their developers actively supports any offshoots of the project) This comes from a repetitive cycle of revivals such as these not bringing anything new to the table, which results in the stagnation of any new or original revivals that were built from the ground up.

All previous exceptions that fell under that rule are allowed to continue promoting, unless said revival has either changed ownership or shut down at any point (i.e. shuts down, then gets brought back).

If your promotion for what you believe was an allowed revival is removed, it's very possible that it never was allowed in the first place.

Feel free to ask any questions you would like about this change in the comments.

edit: This includes suggesting revivals to other users that fall under this umbrella. Why would we be okay with you posting a comment but not a promotion?