I need opinions on the following movie plot that's been rolling around my head for the past hour or so.

So this is the plot:

Philosophical zombie theory is real and gene-editing breakthroughs, initially seen as revolutionary cures for genetic illnesses and the first manual evolutionary push towards human intelligence, unknowingly trigger the rapid extinction of human consciousness. While human bodies remain intact, their sentient minds begin to fade through generations, like a TV screen slowly losing signal while the power remains on.

As family lineages progress and the world ascends into the new adult generations of completely physically fit super-intelligent humans, an aging scientist–one of the pioneers of the greater breakthroughs–discovers he's the last truly conscious human on Earth, while everyone else has become little more than drones through their new familiar bloodlines, mindlessly mimicking humanity.

As this scientist tries to hide his discovery and reverse the generational gene that's lit the fuse to the extinction of human consciousness, he's met with the realization it has the trade-off of rebirthing all genetic illnesses and bringing human intelligence back down to its naturally acquired state over time. Meanwhile, his luck falls as the drones discover his findings and don him as a wolf in sheeps clothing who is, as they perceive, calculatively plotting the recession of genetic humanity out of spite for what they assume to be feelings of inferiority.

He's at a race with time before he is hunted down by the modern drones and sent to death or imprisonment, and at a rush to germ-line a cure and bring back proper sentience for the sake of future generations.

It's a drama-thriller/sci-fi/existential horror that is meant to leave audiences questioning their sanity and existence, and to also leave them with a moral question.

If you had to choose between a world of bliss and happiness that knows nothing but heaven and harmony but goes unexperienced, or a world of mostly pain but also an incentive micro-amount of beauty with both emotions being lived through and endured to the very end, which would you pick?

Would you rather bloom in numb and mindless state like a fresh flower in the warmth of the sun resting in a hydrating bed of soil, or would you rather live life with full-fledged experience despite the pain and suffering for the sake of beauty, like a sun burning itself into a ball of fire only to shine light onto a grateful solar system?